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In the last four election cycles Scottsdale voters made it clear they want Councilmembers who will vote to stop overdevelopment! Sadly, some Councilmembers who promised to be resident-friendly did not keep that promise but instead have been busily approving literally thousands of new tall, dense, ugly, traffic-snarling, water-guzzling view-blocking apartment projects (see chart below). Caputi and Durham are running for re-election and will be asking for your vote in the upcoming primary election. Remember how they voted before you vote!

The mission of Keep Scottsdale Special is to provide Scottsdale residents with the news, information, and resources they need to protect our city's special character and high quality of life. Unfortunately, these hard-won assets are under assault from special interests who want to exploit these assets for their own profit.

You can help prevent these assaults on Scottsdale's special character and high quality of life by becoming informed and involved. If, instead, you sit idly by and do nothing, you will wake up one day soon to find the Scottsdale you moved here to enjoy has disappeared. Step one is to sign up for our email list (we will not sell your email address to anyone else) so you will receive updates on critical city issues in time to do something about them.

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"Keep Scottsdale Special" is a Trade Name registered to Robert & Kathleen Littlefield

Paid for by "Keep Scottsdale Special" Political Action Committee with 0% from out-of-state contributors. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
8926 E. Sheena Drive
Scottsdale, Arizona 85260
(602) 228-9145